Elf on the Shelf in Chicago | Week 3 Elf on the Shelf is a fun-filled Christmas Tradition for children everywhere. Here are some Elf on the Shelf ideas for your children to welcome one of Santa’s Elves in their home during each each holiday season. More Elf on the Shelf Ideas 10 Elf on The Shelf Ideas Elf on the Shelf Brings Cards From Santa Elf on the Shelf Cupcake & Hot Cocoa Welcome Party 20 Elf on the Shelf Ideas! Elf on the Shelf in Chicago | Week 3 Elf on the Shelf in Chicago | Week 2 Elf on the Shelf in Chicago | Week 1 Elf on the Shelf will be returning Iohannes, Our Elf, Departs {More Elf on the Shelf Ideas} Iohannes' Antics Continue {More Elf on the Shelf Ideas} Elf on the ShelftiarastantrumsDecember 23, 2013Elf, Elf on the Shelf Ideas, Elf the Shelf Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 0 Likes