Posts tagged violinists
Little Violinist

Last week I posted some images of my oldest daughter playing her violin at our church.She is so easy to take photos of as she is such a willing model AND she literally just says "I have an idea" and runs from one area to the next. She is very vocal and animated and a perfect muse.

My youngest daughter is a quiet soul. She is constantly talked over by her older siblings and tends to stand in the background, quietly, patiently, waiting her turn. This child of mine is dear to my heart and I adore her ever so much and love her fiercely. Her quiet nature is so beautiful and will take her far in this life.

She waited patiently whilst I followed my older daughter about the church that evening. Waited for her sister to finish taking the spotlight. She then, quietly, as that is her way, told me her ideas and poses. She is just a delight and makes my heart sing. She needed her own post to show how special she is.

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Dancing Violinist

This year is the third year my girls have been taking violin lessons and they have both just taken off. My oldest daughter takes private lessons and is in her school praise band and in a youth orchestra and a chamber orchestra. She is busy, to say the least. My younger daughter takes private lessons and is in a chamber orchestra. While she is only 7 years old, she has come very far in the past three years.

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