Omnibus History Volume II Early Church & Middle Ages Notebooking Pages

Omnibus History Volume II Early Church & Middle Ages Notebooking Pages
Omnibus History Volume II Early Church & Middle Ages History Notebooking Pages
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Omnibus History Volume II The Early Church and Middle Ages Notebooking Pages
Over 100 pages covering the early church years and the middle ages! This Early Church & Middle Ages History Notebook Pages contain pages for students to take notes as they learn about the Pentecost - through the late 1300s, including Vikings, Robin Hood, Joan of Arc, Genghis Khan, the Fall of the Roman Empire, and how they connect with Biblical history.
The Omnibus History Notebooking Pages covers the Early Church and the Middle Ages c. A.D. 33 to A.D. 1456
Includes: 99 Color Pages of Notebooking Pages to print,
7 Blank Notebooking Pages and 20 Pages of a Continuous Blank Timeline
The goal of each student should be to:
· Keep track of the “story”
· Memorize the sequence of events in history
· Increase their knowledge of world history
· Increase their knowledge of geography
Notebooking pages and timeline printables are a great way to supplement the study of historical events. Kids can record what they’ve learned on the notebooking pages and create a personal history book of everything they’ve learned.
We’ve used these pages with The Mystery of History Volume 2, Mystery of History II - The Early Church and the Middle Ages, A World of Adventure and Heritage History. However, these notebooking pages will they will work with any Early Church and the Middle Ages History (Omnibus) curriculum.
99 COLOR pages covering the formation of the early church as well as life and events that took place during the Middle Ages! These are pages for students to take notes and answer questions as they learn about the Early Church and the Middle Ages (AD 29 – AD 1456).
Notebooking Pages cover the following people and events…
- Pentecost
- Saul Who Is Called Paul
- Paul’s Missionary Journeys
- Nero
- Martyrs of the Early Church
- Josephus
- Masada
- The Dead Sea Scrolls
- Buried City of Pompeii
- Bar-Kokhba
- The Apostle’s Creed
- St Valentine
- Diocletian Divides the Roman Empire
- Constantine I
- The Edict of Milan
- The Golden Age of India
- The Maya
- St Augustine of Hippo
- The Holy Bible and the Vulgate by Jerome
- St Patrick
- Attila the Hun
- Fall of the Western Roman Empire
- Daily Life in the Dark Ages
- King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
- Justinian I and Theodora Rulers of the Byzantine Empire
- Columba, Missionary to Scotland
- Early Japan and Prince Shotoku
- Gregory the Great
- The Sui Dynasty
- The Tang Dynasty
- Mohammed and the Birth of Islam
- The Spread of Islam
- Wu Zetian, the Empress of China
- The Epic of Beowulf
- Al-Andalus, The Ornament of the World
- St Boniface
- Iconoclast Controversy
- Charles Martel
- Battle of Tours
- Charlemagne
- The Thousand and One Nights
- Invasion of the Vikings
- The Vikings
- Methodius and Cyril
- Alfred the Great
- Iceland Lydveldid Island
- Maori of New Zealand
- Africa the Great Zimbabwe
- Good King Wenceslas
- Otto I and the Holy Roman Empire
- Vladimir I of Russia
- The Song Dynasty of China
- St Simon and the Coptic Orthodox Church
- Erik the Red
- Leif Ericsson DIscovers America
- Macbeth, King of Scotland
- El Cid the Spanish Hero
- William the Conqueror
- Battle of Hastings
- Pope Gregory VII
- Henry IV
- Investiture Controversy
- The Early Crusades
- The Petrobrusians and The Waldensians
- Eleanor of Aquitaine
- The Jews of the Middle Ages
- Richard the Lionhearted
- Saladin and the Third Crusade
- Classic Tale of Robin Hood
- The Shoguns and Samurai of Japan
- St Francis of Assisi
- St Clara of Assisi
- St Dominic
- The Children's Crusade
- King John
- The Magna Carta
- Frederick II
- St Thomas Aquinas
- Roger Bacon
- The Great Khans
-The Mongol Invasion of China
- Marco Polo Travels East
- Sir William Wallace
- Robert Bruce
- Dante Alighieri
- The Aztecs
- The Hundred Years’ War
- The Black Death of Europe
- The Ming Dynasty of China
- The Forbidden City
- John Wycliffe
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- John Huss
- The Life and Death of Joan of Arc
- Inkas of South America
- The Ottoman Turks
- Johannes Gutenberg
Also included!
· one color page of images of popes, kings, and saints
· 2 Blank Timeline Forms
· 2 Blank Event Map Forms
· Blank Printable Timeline
Pair these notebook pages with your own Middle Ages curriculum. (These can be used in conjunction with Mystery of History Volume 2, The Big Book of History from Master Books and Answers in Genesis, and part of God’s Timeline: The Big Book of Church History as well as Classical Conversations and Story of the World. We also have a lot of Tapestry of Grace.
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