4th of July Rice Krispie Treats

In honor of the Fourth of July, my family always makes sure to indulge in some patriotic treats. In addition to being simple to prepare, these 4th of July Rice Krispie Treats for the Fourth of July are sure to be a hit at any cookout you attend. But, instead of Rice Krispies - use Red, White & Blue Crunch Cereal (AKA: Cap'n Crunch's Patriotic New Cereal)!

One of the traditions that my family cherishes is indulging in patriotic desserts on special occasions like the 4th of July. These festive desserts not only satisfy our sweet tooth but also serve as a way to honor and celebrate our nation's history and the brave men and women who have served in the military. The 4th of July Krispie Treats are a delightful and simple dessert option that never fails to impress guests at cook-outs. With their easy preparation, they are a go-to choice for those looking to create a delicious treat without much hassle. The combination of crispy cereal and gooey marshmallows creates a delightful texture that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. Whether you are hosting a backyard barbecue or attending a potluck, these treats are guaranteed to be a hit. So, why not add some patriotic flair to your dessert table this Independence Day with these scrumptious 4th of July Red, White & Blue Crunch Treats?

On July 4, 1776, (actually it was July 2, 1776 to be technical), we claimed our independence from Britain and Democracy was born. Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Happy Birthday, America!

Old traditions for the T&T family used to consist of hanging the American flag and going to a parade, which usually meant a summer festival as well. We would stuff ourselves with tons of fair food, and come home and throw all the Snap Pops and sneak in a few fireworks. I actually never took my kiddos to the fireworks shows because - oh Lordy, the crowds, I can not deal with.

About six or so years ago, we started to head to my brother’s home in rural Iowa to celebrate July 4th with family. We don’t see my family very often, and going to Iowa on July 4th became our new tradition. Cousins, food, laughter, and Iowa heat! Plus, the added bonus is that Iowa has legal fireworks! My brother puts on quite the show at his rural farm. It was amazing!

Then my kiddos all grew up and didn’t want to go to Iowa anymore. All the cousins are older and everyone is paired off or has their faces in their phones! Last year, I took my youngest two kiddos to Iowa, but my brother has since nixed his 4th of July fireworks show and we went to a lake town in rural Iowa, rented a house and had a lovely weekend together. I fear that was likely the last of the family 4th of July celebrations!

This year, my middle child is headed to her boyfriends because he has a big July 4th party. My brother is going camping with his family and I am not heading to Iowa over the 4th of July because I will be there the week prior getting together with my old cheerleading squad from high school! My youngest and my oldest will be working and my husband is doing yard work. Go figure.

So, I decided I would make a FOURTH OF JULY Red, White & Blue Crunch Treats for my middle child to take to the party she is attending!

Patriotic pastries are a holiday staple in my family, especially on the Fourth of July. Whenever there is a cookout, these simple 4th of July Red, White & Blue Crunch Treats celebrating the Fourth of July are sure to be a hit.

The Reasons This Recipe Will Be a Huge Hit With You

*Who likes to bake in July? These no-bake delights are perfect for those days. The texture of these is really divine—soft and mushy.

*Enjoy pulling marshmallows? On this Fourth of July, I present to you these 4th of July Red, White & Blue Crunch Treats.

*Either leave them out at room temperature for a few days or pop them in the freezer for later. They never fail to delight!

*They are sure to be a hit with all ages.


❤️I usually have the INGREDIENTS on hand.

❤️They are delicious and very easy!


In order to whip up these easy krispie treats, you will need a 9 by 13 inch pan. A 9-by-13-glass Pyrex pan will do the trick.
Apply a coating of nonstick cooking spray to your preferred pan. For the sake of ease of serving these buttery krispie delicacies.


  • 5 tablespoons butter*

  • 10 oz marshmallows (any size)

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract *OPTIONAL

  • 6 cups Red, White & Blue Crunch Cereal (AKA: Cap'n Crunch's Patriotic New Cereal) OR Trix Fireworks Fruity Breakfast Cereal with Marshmallows (either of these cereals work splendidly!)

  • * (this is my tip - I always double the butter the recipe calls for. Normally, cereal treats call for about 3 tbsp. of butter, I always add more so they are lovely and gooey and not dry).

1. Melt butter in a large pot.(Alternatively, this could be done in the microwave.)
2. Toss in marshmallows and stir on low heat until melted. (Alternatively, this could be done in the microwave.)
3. Add in cereal and combine.
4. Spray a 13x9 pan, pour in mixture, and press down.
5. Allow to cool before cutting

Pro Tips

  • Do not overheat your marshmallows.

    • If marshmallows get too hot, the sugar will begin to caramelize, thereby making your treats hard and crunchy instead of gooey.

On the occasion of the 4th of July, I am curious to know if you have any plans in store. This day holds great significance in American history as it commemorates the country's independence. It is a time when people come together to celebrate and honor the values of freedom, liberty, and patriotism. Whether it be attending a fireworks display, organizing a backyard barbecue, or participating in a community parade, the 4th of July offers numerous opportunities for individuals to engage in festivities that showcase their love.

Let me know if you make my 4th of July Red, White & Blue Crunch Treats!