Posts in RECIPES
Coming Together Over Food, Music & #Netflix

The best moments happen when my family comes together. My little family, the extended family and the whole gang of us. Great moments occur and I can say that usually food, music and entertainment play a huge parts of these momentous occasions.

For instance whenever I catch a whiff of lavender, I always think of my grandmother. Or when I hear an old song on the radio, I instantly think

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Pronto Penne Pasta with Kale & Mushrooms

I don't know about you, but my menu planning shifts and changes a bit once school begins. I have been gearing up for back to school meals and Barilla pasta and sauces work great for my busy family. This delicious Pronto Penne Pasta with Kale & Mushrooms recipe is made with kale and mushrooms that my family simply loves. The Barilla Pronto Penne Pasta and Barilla sauces are perfect for busy families like mine.

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Strawberry Jalapeno No Churn Ice Cream

We are in the height of summer here in Chicago and all that is on our minds this week is ice cream. During the steaming July months, the freezer should be loaded with ice cream. My freezer was getting low on ice cream, so I decided to make all the ice cream I could with some amazing fresh 


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