She's Growing Up and I Don't Like It One Bit
This weekend is Father's Day and I am hosting as we usually do. Father's Day falls right around my little one's birthday, so we always try to combine the two and celebrate together. My little one has been asking me every single day, no less than five times a day, "how many days until my real birthday" and "how many days until my fake birthday". It's hilarious and driving me a bit bonkers.
She bumped her head a couple of weeks ago at the park. By bumped I mean that she ran, at full speed, head on into a metal post. I was out grocery shopping and hubbie was at the park with the girls. I can home and couldn't believe the bump that was on her head. Literally, the bump is still there. I'm hoping it is not permanent. She has a small scar there as well, that I hope will heal in a couple of years. I've been keeping it covered so that the sun doesn't get to it, as I know this will cause the scar to stay versus fade. Poor dear.
She's going to be seven and couldn't be happier about it. She's going to be seven and I couldn't be sadder about it. She still loves to snuggle with me, but not as much. She still tells me she loves me, but not as much. She still gives me hugs, but not as much. She still wants to hold my hand, but not as much.
I keep telling her to stop growing and she keeps shouting at me that she can't.