Netflix Musicals This May #StreamTeam #NetFlix
School is in the last weeks for us and I have to say I can not wait for summer break. Twelve long, glorious weeks of schedules that are no longer so packed that I don't know how I get anything done. I'm so proud of myself for getting three children to academy, music lessons, archery, orchestra, chamber, religion classes, doctor, dentist and orthodontist appointments, play dates and everything else in between ON TIME.
I have spent the past 10 months home educating my children and taxiing my kidlets to and from all the activities that young children are involved in. I am exhausted if truth be told. I get to relax in the evening after everyone has gone to sleep. My favorite way to recharge my brain is to play some of my favorite musicals on Netflix. There is nothing like a musical to get the spark back in your step after a grueling day.
There are some amazing titles for adults on Netflix right now. You can even check out Idina Menzel in Rent. For your children, there is the not to be missed, Shrek The Musical. A family favorite in the Tantrums house!

12 Musical Titles Available on Netflix
For your big kids:
1. Shrek the Musical
2. High School Musical
3. Grease
4. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
5. Footloose
6. The Phantom of the Opera
7. Camp Rock
And your little ones:
1. Mulan
2. Pocahontas
3. The Prince of Egypt
4. Leap Frog: Numberland
5. Rock-A-Doodle
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What are your favorite #Netflix Musicals to stream?
Disclosure: This post is part of my involvement as a Netflix #StreamTeam Member. All opinions are my own. #NetflixKids #Netflix#NetflixMoms Want to learn more about Netflix Streaming? Subscriptions start at $7.99/month. Images provided by Netflix and used with permission